Stoner Moments with Superstoner and Bud
We've all been there, the dog getting a little too excited and knocking the bong off the table... Hopefully it didn't break and all you had to do was clean up some bong water! I know at least every dog I've ever had has knocked over the bong by accident. Never any hard feelings toward the dog. How can you stay mad at that puppy face! Tell us about your Stoner Moments!
Chipp and I are working on a new Superstoner side project. We want to take common stoner moments, we've all experienced, and do a funny comic strip about it. A nice, short 1 to 4 frame strip we can put out once a month. We thought this would be a great way to start our Stoner Moments project.
We got this idea from a nice couple we met at the Denver Cannabis Cup. Turns out we don't live far from each other! We met with Lefty and is wife Jay for lunch to talk about a possible collaboration with, a Medical Marijuana Internet Directory. Chipp and I sat down with them and stared small talk... After an hour of great conversation and getting to know each other, we got down to talking some business. They asked us if we would like to be part of their monthly newsletter, and if we can produce a comic strip they can use every month. They also mentioned it would be good free advertising for us! Chipp and I thought it would be a great way to get our work out there, so we agreed!
Stay tuned for next months Stoner Moments and be sure to sign up for the MedLeaves News Letter!
Thank You
-Andy "The Writer"
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